- code system
- 1) Военный термин: система кодирования2) Железнодорожный термин: кодирующее устройство, кодовая система регулировки поезда3) Вычислительная техника: кодовая система
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
National Drug Code System — The National Drug Code (NDC) System is a system that is designed to provide drugs in the United States with a specific 11 digit number that describes the product. Originally created under Medicare to help identify drugs for reimbursement, the… … Wikipedia
pulse-code system — impulsinė kodinė sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. pulse code system vok. Impulskodesystem, n rus. кодо импульсная система, f pranc. système d impulsions codées, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
pulse-code system — kodinė impulsinė sistema statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. pulse code system vok. Impulskodesystem, n rus. кодово импульсная система, f; кодо импульсная система, f pranc. système d impulsions codées, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Code for municipality — (kommunkod) is a numbercode given to all Swedish municipalities by the Swedish tax authorities.The code is set up by four numbers, the two first the county and the last two for the municipality.The code system was introduced with the municipality … Wikipedia
code — c.1300, systematic compilation of laws, from O.Fr. code system of laws, law book (13c.), from L. codex, earlier caudex book, book of laws, lit. tree trunk, hence, book made up of wooden tablets covered with wax for writing. Meaning cipher (the… … Etymology dictionary
code — coder, n. codeless, adj. /kohd/, n., v., coded, coding. n. 1. a system for communication by telegraph, heliograph, etc., in which long and short sounds, light flashes, etc., are used to symbolize the content of a message: Morse code. 2. a system… … Universalium
code — [[t]koʊd[/t]] n. v. cod•ed, cod•ing 1) tgp a system for communication by telegraph, heliograph, etc., in which the letters of a message are represented by long and short sounds, light flashes, etc.: Morse code[/ex] 2) crp a system used for… … From formal English to slang
code — 01. Local building [codes] were ignored at the stadium, resulting in a tragic accident which killed over 250 spectators. 02. I tried to phone you, but I dialed the wrong area [code], and got someone living in Louisiana instead. 03. I can t… … Grammatical examples in English
Code ami — Logo du CWF Nintendo Un code ami est un code de 12 chiffres, unique[1] pour chaque exemplaire d un jeu vidéo multijoueur Wi Fi de Nintendo DS et de Wii. Ce code permet aux joueurs de se retrouver en ligne sur le … Wikipédia en Français
Code word (disambiguation) — A Code word may refer any of several concepts: Code word (figure of speech), a term chosen for propaganda value Code word , a rhetorical device used in political propaganda Code word, in cryptography and telecommunications a procedure word in… … Wikipedia
Code injection — is the exploitation of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data. Code injection can be used by an attacker to introduce (or inject ) code into a computer program to change the course of execution. The results of a code injection… … Wikipedia